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Publishing your blog post
user manual writing format

This section deals with the step-by-step process of how to write and publish posts on your site.

Make _pages directory

Create a directory named _pages in root if you do not have it.

$ mkdir _pages
$ cd _pages

Organize your directory structure

Our theme provides a hierarchical directory structure. You may create subdirectories (let’s say Category A) in _pages, and then all post entities placed in the Category A directory will be categorized as such.

├── Category A
├── Category B
|   ├── Subcatecory b
|   ├── Subcatecory c

Note: Make sure all directories have an index.md inside of them.

The next step is, placing index.md files in both _pages directory and its subdirectories. The inner content of each index.md should be just two dashed lines as shown below:


Or you can type the following command from each directory.

$ echo -e "---\n---" > index.md

Your _pages structure now looks like this:

└── index.md
├── Category A
|   └── index.md
├── Category B
|   └── index.md
|   ├── Subcatecory b
|       └── index.md
|   ├── Subcatecory c
|       └── index.md

Write a blog post

Create a post with file extension: .md (ex., Post-name.md).

All blog post files must begin with front matter typically used to set a title or other metadata.

Note that the title and date fields can’t be left blank.

For a simple example:

title: "Example Post"
date: "2023-12-01"

# Welcome

**Hello world**, this is my first Jekyll blog post.

I hope you like it!

Setting a Post Thumbnail Image

Add thumbnail attribute to the post that you’d like to show a representative image when rendered.

title: "Example Post: thumbnail exists"
date: "2023-12-02"
thumbnail: "/assets/img/thumbnail/bricks.webp"

Category Tag

You can use a grouping of post topics by specifying the tags field. It is helpful when you’d like to search related posts or pin them on the bottom of the page.

title: "Classic Literature #1: Romeo and Juliet"
    - book
    - epic novel
    - romance
date: "2023-12-04"
thumbnail: "/assets/img/thumbnail/nightgardenflower.jpg"

Note that the tags attribute won’t be reflected to the sidebar navigation.


Setting bookmark: true makes the sidebar nav list display the corresponding post entity.

title: "Markdown from A to Z"
    - user manual
    - markdown
    - writing format
date: "2023-09-05"
thumbnail: "https://i.ibb.co/MRzw6T9/sample.webp"
bookmark: true

Example _pages structure

Here is the structure introduced in our repo:

└── index.md
└── markdown guide.md
├── Category A
|   └── index.md
|   ├── Subcatecory a
|       └── index.md
|       └── post-01.md
|       └── post-02.md
├── Category B
|   └── index.md
|   ├── Subcatecory b    
|       └── index.md
|       └── post-03.md
|       ├── Subsubcategory 1
|           └── index.md
|           └── post-04.md
|       ├── Subsubcategory 2
|           └── index.md
|           └── post-05.md
|   ├── Subcatecory c
|       └── index.md